Sunday, January 15, 2012

Few Marketing Laws

Marketing is science of convincing what the company is selling is what customers actually want. In simple words marketing is to make customer believe that your product is the right choice. Some marketing laws are as following :

  • Over time a category will divide and become one or more categories.
  • Hype is often bad for product success. Hype creates unrealistic expectation with products.
  • If competitor actions are predictable, make your plans accordingly. If you do not know about competitors keep marketing strategies flexible.
  • Instead of small incremental moves, marketing needs single bold strike.
  • If competitors is associated with a certain attribute, pick other (preferable contrasting) attribute.
  • Leverage the leader's strength into weakness. Don't try to be better than leader, try to be different.
  • It is fruitless to use a word already owned by competitor. Cant capture enough attention by using adjective that are already used widely. Eg. DHL used worldwide for its courier service. FedEx used overnight
  • Pressure to stretch use of brand name for a lot of different products can be a mistake. One should create new brands to address new  products
  • Marketing is not about products (their features and quality) but about their perception (how people perceive products. 
  • It is not important to be first in the market but to be first in the mind of the customer.
  • Given that it is hard to gain leadership in a category where competition already exists. It is better to create a new category than trying to attach the existing categories. Categories need not be drastically different.
  • Being first in the market is often better than having a better product than the competition.

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